

的 rigor of the scientific method in the context of Landmark College’s innovative teaching methods.

生命科学学士学位 degree at Landmark College includes knowledge areas related to ecology, 有机体和亚有机体生物学, 自然资源管理, 数据驱动的决策, 为公共卫生部门奠定了坚实的基础.

Students will engage in experiential opportunities to enrich professional behaviors, 加强合作, 开发和维护大型项目.

We encourage students to critically evaluate concepts and ideas using scientific evidence that will prepare them to become informed and productive members of society.

B.S. 生命科学学士学位 is an extension of the College’s current A.S. 生命科学学士学位.

  • 生命科学
  • 环境生物学

了解更多关于B的信息.S. 生命科学

  • 我们所做的

    Every student 生命科学 becomes a member of our community of scholars, working closely together with faculty and peers to advance the field of biology and develop a lifelong interest in life science.

    课程强调在实践中学习. Unlike the traditional approach of separating lecture and lab sections of courses, Landmark College lab courses integrate those experiences in a modular approach that provides opportunities for students to construct knowledge for themselves.

    Students also have the opportunity to develop laboratory techniques prior to engaging in internship experiences either with an industry partner or as part of a faculty member’s re搜索.

    B.S. 生命科学 program culminates in a capstone experience that allows students to work in partnership with faculty in their re搜索.

  • 的 科学 faculty have been involved in re搜索 opportunities in partnership with Vermont Genetics Network, Vermont Es选项卡lished Program to Stimulate Competitive 研究: EPSCoR (both based out of the University of Vermont), and local agencies such as the Putney Conservation Commission.

    的se projects provide individual re搜索 opportunities for students related to the fields of forest ecology, 野生动物管理和追踪, 长期生态数据分析, 水的污染, 遗传疾病, 以及动物生理学.

    Other re搜索 and co-curricular activities include the creation and es选项卡lishment of Tree Campus USA status and the development of long-term ecological monitoring sites on campus and adjacent natural areas.

    除了指导和研究活动, 参与可持续发展的学生俱乐部, 园艺, and the environment have all been formed over the past few years and are growing in popularity.

  • 在当地公司实习, 卫生保健设施, 环保组织, and laboratories offer added opportunities to develop and apply skills in a professional setting.


    • 兽医诊所实习生
    • 佛蒙特州遗传学网络本科生暑期研究员
    • 普特尼保护委员会实习生
    • 园艺及保存实习生
    • 评估统计
    • 体育教育与运动管理实习生
    • 虚拟现实工程师和实验室助理
    • 数据分析师

    的 college has partnerships with the following organizations that offer neurodiverse friendly supportive workforce and internship programs:

    • 广泛的期货
    • Dynamy
    • 残疾
    • 神经元多样化途径
  • 为什么是生命科学?

    几乎每一个新的医学进步, 发明, 或者解决我们的经济问题, 环境, 和社会问题有一个STEM(科学), 技术, 工程, 和数学)联系.

    A degree 生命科学 is the gateway to tomorrow’s fastest-growing careers, 包括生物技术, 保健/保健科学, 环境科学, 化学/生物化学, 和药品.

    欲了解更多信息,请访问 职业生涯的连接 网页.

  • 课程

    要拿到B.S. 生命科学, 学生必须修满121学分, 其中包括通识教育的核心学分, 主要的需求, 浓度学分, 开放选修课.


    1000 - 2000级的31个学分

    • 作文和修辞:3学分
    • 人文学科分配:3学分
    • 人际沟通:3学分
    • 传播学导论:3学分
    • Mathematics—College Algebra Major Requirement: 3 credits
    • Natural 科学 Distribution with lab—Principles of Biology Major Requirement: 4 credits
    • 学习视角:3学分
    • Quantitative Reasoning: Applied Statistics or Introduction to Calculus or Introduction to Programming Major Requirement: 3 credits
    • 研究与分析:3学分
    • 社会科学分配:3学分

    3000 - 4000等级的12个学分

    • 本学科高级写作:3学分
    • Alternative Study: Must be science focused—Major Requirement: 3 credits
    • Capstone 研究 Methods and Design Major Requirement: 3 credits
    • 专业要求:3学分


    • 生物技术实验室技术:1学分
    • 教育 & 身份:3学分
    • 进化:3学分
    • 有机化学:4学分
    • 生物学原理II: 4学分
    • 化学原理1:4学分
    • 化学原理II: 4学分

    的 major culminates in a final 6 credit capstone experience that provides students with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge that they have gained from across the curriculum. Students are encouraged to work in teams, and can pursue either an applied or theory project.





    • 动物行为学:3学分
    • 生物化学:3学分
    • 生物信息学与计算生物学:3学分
    • 比较脊椎动物解剖学:4学分
    • 发育生物学:4学分
    • 人类生物学:3学分
    • 运动学:3学分
    • 微生物学:4学分
    • 疾病分子基础:3学分
    • 神经生物学:3学分
    • 营养:3学分
    • 脊椎动物生理学:4学分



    • 水生生态学:4学分
    • 生物信息学与计算生物学:3学分
    • 比较脊椎动物解剖学:4学分
    • 保护生物学:3学分
    • 环境科学:4学分
    • 环境政策:3学分
    • 领域的研究 & 野生动物保护:3学分
    • 地理信息系统与制图:3学分
    • 自然资源管理. 和可持续发展:4学分
    • 植物生物学:4学分
    • 可持续发展原则:3个学分
    • 脊椎动物生理学:4学分
    • 冬季生态学:3学分
    • 动物学:4学分



  • Graduates of the 生命科学学士学位 program will be able to:

    • 展示对关键概念的全面了解, 理论, and perspectives in biology as well as the scope and limitations of the discipline
    • Use scientific reasoning inquiry to design re搜索 and think critically about biological information and phenomena
    • Write and communicate effectively using practices found in the biological fields
    • 演示事业预备, professional skills and habits of continual improvement through experience, 自我反省, 协作, 项目管理

    的 STEM department’s instructional philosophy of experiential learning allows students at every level to develop critical thinking skills while providing broad, deep and state-of-the-art training in life science disciplines.

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